St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Masculinity & Femininity

It all begins with an idea.

Season 02 | Episode 01

We are back after a one year hiatus to tackle one of the most requested topics, what is true masculine and feminine identity as they are meant to be through God's creation? This episode we are blessed with Fr. Wesa Awad, the spiritual director who oversees Sinners Anonymous. Together with Fr. Wesa we will filter through what is truth and what is false as we come to an understanding of what it means to be a true man and woman of God!

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Questions & Answers

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 10

Over the course of nine episodes we have racked up quite a few questions concerning many of the subjects we have covered. On this last episode of the season, join the SA crew as they cover all sorts of questions on such topics as identity, genuine Christianity, social media, redemption, happiness and so much more. Thanks for a great season. We will see you next year, God willing, for a new season.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Media & Pop Culture

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 09

The world has a gospel of its own and it evangelizes that gospel using the media and pop culture. Whether you realize it or not, you, your senses, your soul are all under attack. Whether you are paying attention or not, fitting or not, awake or not, you are in the middle of a war and the front lines of that war are fought in your mind and heart. What you decide to listen to, watch, follow, like and subscribe to decides who is winning that war, God or the enemy. It is you that decides who has power over you and you decide every day whether you realize it or not by exposing yourself to the media and pop culture of this world. Join the SA crew as we discuss this and more as it pertains to the choices we make everyday and the greater war at play for our souls.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

God & Science

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 08

The world wants to force you to choose between God and science. The truth Is, there is no choice here. God gave science to man as a gift to better understand themselves and the world He created for them. Yet some elevate science to a level it does not belong. There are many who claim that God is dead and science killed Him. Everything has a perfect scientific explanation so there is no need for God. These same people claim to be atheists, but what they do not realize is by replacing God with science, they have made science their God and core to their belief system. So then does orthodoxy resist, deny or even reject science all together? Should we all just rely on God and push back against anyone that tries to explain why things are what they are without God? What about those people who use science to defend their amoral or downright sinful positions? Join the SA crew as we discuss these subjects and more around God and Science?

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Cultural Differences

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 07

East vs West is an age-old battle that plays out in many of our day-to-day interactions whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. Many of us stand in the middle between two vastly different cultures who most times appear to be at drastic odds against each other. How do we navigate in between these cultures? How can we serve as translators and peacemakers between the old guard, represented by our parents and elders and younger generations who have little recollection or understanding of the old world? Join one of the largest SA crews as we discuss these subjects and attempt to find our way to God in this maze of cultural land mines and religious/cultural confusion.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Loss & Trauma

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 06

As our Lord warned us, the world is filled with tribulations and atrocities, but we can be just as sure that He will lead us through them and help us retain the peace and joy that only he can sow in our hearts. This week we are joined by two incredible guests who have seen their fair share of loss and trauma and have managed to find their way out to the promised land of peace by holding on to the eternal life line that is God, Himself. If they can get through the darkness of their past, then you can be certain that you will be able to get through whatever hurt you are carrying wholly by the comforting power of the Holy Spirit.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Searching For God

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 05

Let's face it, the people that love us the most, the people that have been and always will be there for us, the people who would do anything for us in our time of need... those are the people we take for granted when it should be the direct opposite. God is no different. In fact, maybe above everyone else, God is the first person most of us take for granted. Do you love God? How can you love someone you don't know much about? What do you actually know about who God is and no, not interested in your "Sunday School" answers. Join us this episode as a very special guest, Zee (identity anonymized per request) takes us inside his existential journey outside of the Orthodox church searching for God.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Equality & Gender Roles

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 04

We live in a time when everyone knows better than everyone else, but especially more than God Himself. Society wants to rewrite what roles God intended for man and woman under their own distorted gospel of equality. Yet, does believing in the Orthodox views of gender and equality mean women should be treated as second class citizens? Is Orthodoxy OK with a woman having a career or should men be the sole bread winners? What about within a marriage; do men and women have equal standing or is society right in calling anything short of this as unjust and abusive? Come join the SA crew as we unpack these very controversial yet very important ideas and seek out what the Christian view on gender roles and equality really is.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

My Big Fat Egyptian Wedding

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 03

Χριστός ἀνέστη - Christ is Risen, ya'll!

We are back this Resurrection Sunday with THE topic you asked for most, on connections, friendships and relationships with the opposite sex. Let's face it, in today's hedonistic, disingenuous world where everyone seems as if they are searching aimlessly for "true love," it can sometimes feel like it is close to impossible to find the partner of your dreams. But, what if you are looking for the wrong person? What if you shouldn't even be looking in the first place? What if the Mr./Mrs. Right you thought you found is actually a nightmare in disguise? Join us this episode as the SA crew explores the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to relationships, while struggling to separate God's will from our will.

If you would like to learn more about the Orthodox sacrament of marriage and the Godly path to selecting a spouse, check out "Choose Your Spouse" by His Grace Bishop Youssef of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

Shedding My Addictions

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 02

So you think you don't have any addictions? Are you sure there is nothing in this world that you absolutely can't live without? Do you really think addictions are just substance based? Denial is not just a river in Egypt, ya'll ;) Join us this episode as the SA crew asks some tough questions of themselves and each other as they seek to get to the bottom of exactly what are addictions, their effects on our lives and the only way to overcome them.

If you or someone you know is in need of help with overcoming addiction of any kind please visit or reach out to us on any of our socials for support.

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St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church St. Luke American Coptic Orthodox Church

A Stranger In My Own Church

It all begins with an idea.

Season 01 | Episode 01

In this episode the SA crew get real about issues we have likely all faced in our spiritual lives, finding a church you can call home. Join us as we unpack everyday inteactions within churches all across the world, how they impact us and what we can all do to keep the focus where it needs to be and not on what the enemy wants, on God and your relationship with Him.

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